A Season for Soup

Happy Michaelmas (a few days late, oops)
We went for a long walk along the beach (puppy's first sand experience - funny!) and into the woods yesterday. It was a perfect day, and the perfect way to spend it. And the Michaelmas daisies were in bloom, reminding me of the festivals we had in grade school, honoring St. Michael and celebrating light and valor as the days officially become darker and shorter heading into the long winter.

One of my main reasons for loving Autumn is the return to soup - tomato based soup with barley and beans, chicken broth/ milk based soup with split peas and lentils and carrots, pureed carrot soup with ginger and cream - soup season is my all-time favorite.
I have a pot boiling away on the stove right now, and I think while I wait I will head up to the drawing board and see what happens...