Sunday, November 2, 2008

Home to Stay (for a while, at least!)

Around 42 hours of driving, give or take a few minutes. That is how long it took to get all the way to and from LaFarge, Wisconsin, my final destination on this latest jaunt.

10 hours got me to Cleveland, Ohio where I had the pleasure of joining in the work of the Lakeshore office of the Barack Obama Campaign for Change. I was there for two days - a bit of canvassing, calling some phone lists, and handing out free Jay-Z tickets were just a few of the goings on in which I was able to participate. I find it very interesting that every one of the main core of volunteers I met at the office was from out of state - New York, Chicago, California, Washington, Texas, and Washington DC were all represented and each of these terrific people amazed me with their long, dedicated volunteer work. It really is amazing how inspired people are by Obama, and the people I met were all just the friendliest, hardworking, fun, and generous group.

It was hard to leave them to travel on, but I am so very glad I did because staying with Kathryn and Keith in their big farmhouse was fabulous (if slightly chilly!). And seeing Kathryn's terrific shop and spending some time sitting together and working, just like the old days of the costume business, were so wonderful.

I was able to finish C.'s hat (finally) with Kathryn's assistance, and am inspired to try a couple new knitting projects. I am also feeling the urge to break out the felting needles again, and then there are the projects I have been slowly chipping away at for the past couple months. I feel that this time at home will be well filled. How nice it is to look forward to...

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