Craft Fair Fun

I have been busy these last couple days putting together the Art-to-Go DIY Show and Sell. It has been quite exciting - a flurry of activity! Registration is now closed, but if you head over to the Art-to-Go blog, you can sign up for the mailing list and learn how to sign up for the next installment in August! Yes, this will be a monthly deal, and I am pretty excited about where it could go. I have all sorts of grand scenarios worked up in my head... I like to dream...
The daily sketching worked well for a few days, and then I got caught up in other activities, but since they were also creative and crafty I feel ok about the situation. Actually, Im pretty tickled with a couple projects in the works, and will post pictures as soon as I figure out how to make tiny little black shoes.
(that's one of those cliff-hanger endings, where you're just left in suspense until I post again...)
Labels: craft, creativity
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