Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Creativity and the Computer

That title totally sounds like I'm beginning a scientific research paper. Not anymore! Now it's just something I think about and worry over. See, I spend a lot of time on the computer, my job involves mainly graphic and webdesigning work, and I have a growing obsession with reading blogs. So many inspiring people out there!

But I find that after hours on the computer - and I'm sure many are aware of how addictive internet browsing can be, and how fast the time flies in that activity - I am inspired by the wonderful things I have seen, but my own creative impulses are drained.

Case in point: I used to draw constantly. Everywhere I went a sketchbook went along, and doodles and scribbles were on every piece of paper I could get my hands on. Now, and I really think this has to do with my increased computer graphic work, I am finding sketching difficult. The results are never satisfactory, and the lines just don't come as easy as they used to.

My new resolution, therefore, is to draw every day. A little sketch or a large finished drawing. Just something!

I better go start!

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