Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer Activities for Margot and Sheila

I bought a few new prismacolor pencils, so I feel more able on the handcoloring these days and thought I'd share a colored version of the newest outfits for Margot and Sheila.

Summer Activities for Margot and Sheila

(download PDF of colored outfits here)

The painting outfit is pretty much exactly what I wear when I paint, except my white collared shirt is not quite so pretty anymore. One time I wore my painting clothes out for a margarita lunch with my boss at the art gallery and a lady actually stopped and told me how much she liked my outfit. I don't think she was being facetious, which made me think I could really be on to something. But I haven't painted much lately, so that particular fashion line has yet to be realized.

The bathing suit was a challenge, given that the original dolls are wearing dresses. The solution was to add on a bunch of stuff for the doll to carry, which somehow doesn't make going to the beach look all that relaxing. Oh well. The next dolls will be in their skivvies.

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